Making Christmas Brighter for Foster Kids

"For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required," Luke 12:48 King James Version. It is easy to assume that only wealthy people have been “given much,” but, in truth, we have all been given much. We have been granted the abundant grace of God, the Word of God, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. As such we each have a responsibility to use our resources, talents, and gifts to be of service. And while I may not have much in terms of monetary wealth, I use what I do have in whatever way I can to help others. The idea of “to whom much is given, much will be required” is that we are held responsible for what we have. If we are blessed with talents, wealth, knowledge, time, and the like, it is expected that we use these well to glorify God and benefit others.

When I was contacted earlier this week by photographer Angie LM Vasquez asking if I knew anyone who would be able to sponsor gifts for 15 foster kids I immediately knew we at The FIERCE Woman could rise up to the task. While I didn’t know of any one person who could or would, I thought that maybe a few people collectively would be able to. So with that in mind I reached out to 5 friends and asked them if they could help. With no hesitation they each said yes and by the next day quick paid me money so that I could purchase the gifts.
Because of their generosity, this past weekend we were able to be a part of making Christmas a little more special for an amazing group of kids courtesy of Melody Centeno, founder of Foster Care Unplugged. On Sunday, they hosted their second annual Home For the Holidays Brunch and The Fierce Woman, with the help of our team, donated gifts for the kids. The holidays can be a difficult time for foster kids, but thanks to Melody’s passion and commitment to working with foster children this group of kids were able to enjoy a day filled with love and happiness.

Melody and her organization are doing some really important work in the community and it is people like her that make this often cold world a better place. We at The FIERCE Woman are thankful to have been a part of such a wonderful initiative and we thank Melody for the selfless work she does. This holiday season may we all give a little more; give a little more love, a little more kindness, and a little more happiness. Happy Holidays.

To learn more about Foster Care Unplugged and how you can help, follow them on Instagram at @fostercareunplugged or visit their website at