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2014: Year of The FIERCE Woman

In April of this year with nothing more than an idea and a will to create something where women could come together, network, inspire each other, support and learn from each other, The Power of the FIERCE Woman was born. I did not know if my idea would be successful, but something stirred inside me and I knew that I had to listen to my inner voice. I listened to my heart, followed my passion and began planning my first event not knowing if anyone would attend.

As with anyone who does something for the first time, I was afraid of failing. I was afraid that I would give it my all and no one would show. Boy was I wrong. I planned the first event and to my surprise it sold out. What I had set out to do was really happening and it was exciting.

Our first event was The FIERCE Woman Brunch where myself and two other women (Justine Hornedo & Wendy Angulo) hosted more than 50 women for an afternoon of food, drink, and inspiration. We shared with the amazing group of women how to rise above the challenges we all face throughout our lives and come out on top better and more successful than ever by sharing our personal stories. The event was so successful that two months later I hosted another event that focused on setting goals and following through.

With the intimate group of 20 women I showed the women how to identify and break down goals into smaller, manageable goals, set deadlines and execute. They created vision boards to help keep them focused on their goals and finally spoke their dreams into the Universe by sharing with the group some of their goals for the upcoming year. After the event the women left Katalina's Bar & Grill motivated, inspired, and focused.

Most of the feedback I got from women who attended one of our events was positive and affirming. They commended me for putting together such inspirational events that connected women from all walks of life and appreciated the intimate settings that the events provided. They were able to connect with the speakers and hosts in a way that made them feel comfortable and feel as if they were sitting in their living room with their girlfriends. Their feedback was further proof to me that I was onto something great and knowing that I was helping women transform their lives really made me feel good.

In September, in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month I put together an all female Latina Entrepreneurs Panel at Maranello in New York City, which showcased 5 successful Latina Entrepreneurs and they discussed how and why they went into business for themselves. They shared pearls of wisdom with the women in attendance on how to create successful businesses.

As 2014 comes to a close I can't help but feel excited for what lies ahead for The FIERCE Woman. What I did this year doesn't even begin to scratch the surface for how far I want to take this organization. I am committed to empowering every woman who comes my way. There is a shift happening among women and little by little I am seeing more and more women lift each other up. That is the movement that I am committed to. So as I bid farewell to 2014 I am grateful for all of her lessons and the opportunities she gave me. She will always be a special year for my because it is they year The FIERCE Woman was born and as I prepare for our 1 Year anniversary in April I promise that it will be fun, exciting, and full of everything that women have come to expect from The FIERCE Woman.

Stay safe and be blessed. Happy New Year.


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